Exciting News!

Cherokee and Pleasanton will have Fiber To The Home (FTTH) internet service! The cooperative was approved for a $59.8 million-dollar loan through the US Department of Agriculture/Rural Utilities Service. This loan will bring FTTH to 100% of 17 of our exchanges over the next 5 years. Combined with the fiber installed over the past few years, this will result in about 75% of our company being covered by FTTH infrastructure.
This project will bring gigabit connectivity – 1,000 Mbps internet speed – a claim very few communities can make. In addition to ultra-fast internet speeds, FTTH has proven to provide other significant benefits. Students utilizing iPads at school will now have that same connectivity at home. Businesses can utilize the very fast upload and download speeds to transfer files and even create telecommuting opportunities for their employees. FTTH has even been shown to increase property values and can help to reduce population decline.
North Central Service, Inc. is the contracting group handling construction in the Cherokee and Pleasanton areas. Work has already begun in parts of those areas so be aware of construction. We are very proud of our Coop’s history and heritage of bringing the latest technologies to our members. We know you will enjoy the speed, reliability, and flexibility FTTH will provide.