Every month we hear from customers that have paid their bill using a third party site. While most are legitimate sites, they also charge a premium to pay your bill and in most cases they arrive late. Unfortunately, we have no control over this because these sites can come up from Google searching instead of going directly to our site. To avoid this always make sure ckt.net or ckt.smarthub.coop, direct link for SmartHub (our only payment site), is in the address field of your browser. If you ever have a question about this we are always here to help. You can call Customer Service at 620-724-8235 for assistance anytime during the week from 8am – 5pm.
Below is an example of one these sites. This is not us, notice the URL in the address field (https://www….).

Below is what the Craw-Kan SmartHub bill payment site looks like, which you can get to by going to ckt.net or directly by going to ckt.smarthub.coop.