According to a new 2018 study from the Leichtman Research Group, Inc. (LRG), about 78% of TV households nationwide subscribe to some form of Pay-TV service and more surprisingly, the “Mean reported monthly spending on Pay-TV service among subscribers is about $107”—which makes Craw-Kan’s cable TV packages fall below the national average on cost!

What is Pay-TV?
Pay-TV is television broadcasting in which viewers pay by subscription to watch particular channels through a cable, satellite, or telephone company. Craw-Kan’s cable TV packages are affordable and are well-below nationwide costs, making Craw-Kan a cost-effective option for Pay-TV services, so you never have to miss your favorite television show ever again!
With almost 300 unique channels to offer, CKtv has something for all your viewing/entertainment needs. We even offer Free whole-home DVR for up to three TVs!
CKtv is also delivered over buried fiber-optic lines, guaranteeing your signal won’t go out in a storm. That also means there is no unsightly dish to hang on the side of your house. We also never use contracts to keep customers, just great local service.
To see our television package options, CLICK HERE!